Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bak Kwa

1 kg minced meat (pork belly or twee bak)
200g sugar
2 tbs light soy sauce
1 tbs Hua diao wine
1 tbs oyster sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp five spice powder
dash of pepper
3 tbs honey

  1. Mix all ingredients together and store in fridge for at least 2 hrs.
  2. Place half the mixture to baking paper, cover with clingwrap and use a rolling pin to roll it flat.
  3. Place it on baking tray and bake for 20 mins at 79-80 degree.
  4. Remove it from oven, cut it to desired shape and grill it at 240 degree for 7-8mins.
*** First round bake use low heat to dry the meat. Too high heat will cause the meat to shrink.
Check five spice powder still smells good, too long will cause it lose its flavour.

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