Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Almond muffins

yields: 6 muffins


290g plain flour
1 tbs baking powder
*(can be substitute 290g self raising flour)

230g caster sugar

3 eggs
120ml milk
200g melted butter
1tsp vanilla essence

1/2 cup sliced almond

  1. Mix flour, baking powder and sugar
  2. Mix eggs, vanilla essence, butter and milk together
  3. Pour the liquid mixture to flour mixture, mix well
  4. Pour mixture to muffin cups, 3/4 full
  5. Sprinkle sliced almonds on top and get a toothpick swirl a few rounds
  6. Bake in preheat oven 180 degree for 25-28mins
  7. To check muffins when ready, poke a bamboo stick and pull out, it comes out clean will be ok.

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