Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hokkaido Milk Bread

2.25 cup bread flour
1/4 cup plain flour
125ml milk
95ml whipped cream
0.5 egg
1tb milk powder
2tbs sugar
1tsp yeast
0.25 tsp salt

  1. Mix all ingredients together (avoid salt mix next to yeast).
  2. Knead and proof for 40mins.
  3. Sprinkle some flour inside the pullman tin.
  4. Punch down and put dough inside pullman tin and proof for another 30mins.
  5. Preheat oven at 160 degree, bake for 20-25mins.
  6. Apply some butter on top of the loaf.

Recipe from here.

*** The bread is soft on first day, subsequent day become drier. Will update again after second try.

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