Friday, August 30, 2013

Pasta dough


Ingredients (serve 2):
40g 00 flour
55g semolina flour
1 egg (56-58g)
  1. Mixed 2 flour together.
  2. Open a hole in the middle of the flour and pour egg in it.
  3. Mix together and work the dough by hand till slight bouncy when pressed on to it.
  4. Wrapped the dough and leave in fridge for 30mins.
  5. Roll the dough to very thin piece (Ravioli must be very thinner, Tagliatelle can be slightly thicker).
  6. For Ravioli, cut a piazza cutter to cut into a square piece.
  7. For Tagliatelle, fold the thin dough to a few folds and cut it in slices.
  8. Boil water in a pot, put 2 tbs salt into boiling water.
  9. Place pasta in it and it is done when it floats up.

00 Flour is for softness for the pasta
Semolina Four is for stretchiness for the pasta
When the egg is added in, the whole mixture will be very wet, just mixed and knead together till it slowly dries up.

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