Sunday, April 21, 2013

Braised duck

Ingredients (A):
1 duck
1 tsp five spice powder
1 tsp salt
Ingredients (B):
5 cloves
1 star anise
6 garlic (peeled)
4 shallots (peeled)
1 cinnamon stick
1 knot galangal (blue ginger), about an inch
Ingredients (C):
2 tbs sugar
3 tbs dark soy sauce (Tai Hua)
2 tbs dark thick good grade soy sauce
1 tbs light soy suace
 1 tbs oyster sauce
2 cup water
1. Marinate ingredients A  on the duck for 1 hrs.
2. Heat up wok, add in sugar and stir it till it caramerlised.
3. Add in duck and coat the caramerlised sugar over the duck.
3. Add in rest of ingredients C into the wok.
4. Once boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for 1-1.30hrs.
5. Turn the duck every 15-20mins. If the gravy dries up, add in another cup of water.
6. The gravy will be dark in color and thick when done.

Butter cake

Ingredients (serve 8):
2 eggs
125g butter
1 cup sugar
2 cup self raising flour OR 1 tsp salt, 3 tsp baking powder, 2 cup flour
2/3 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
1. Combined all ingredients and mixed.
2. Beat on high till faint yellow color.
3. Grease and line the base of the 18cm pan.
(I'm too lazy so I just use baking paper)
4. Poru mixture into tin and bake for 30-40mins at 180 degree.
5. Timing varies on different oven, poke a wooden stick inside, if it comes out clean. it is done.

Japanese Lava Eggs ( Ajitsuke Tamago)

This is done 6m30s
This is done 6m

3 eggs (room temperature) 64g each


1. Heat up water in a small pot till it boil.
2. Put 2-4 eggs (cold from fridge) into the water, make sure is fully emerged.
3. Turn to small heat and simmer for 7.5mins.
4. Immediately put all eggs into a bowl with ice water.
5. Soak in cold bath at least 10mins.

Tips: Crack the top n bottom of egg, roll the egg, soak it back to cold bath for another 5mins, easier to peel.

Marinate seasoning:
2tbs light soy sauce
2tbs mirin
1tbs sugar
3tbs water
1. Mix all ingredients and soak the eggs.
2. Place it in fridge, prefer overnight, can last up to 4 days. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Egg Mayo with Roquette sandwich

Egg Mayonnaise (2 servings)
3 eggs
1 tbs mayonnaise
salt and pepper to taste
1. Boil egg for 4-5 mins, take out eggs and left it to cool.
2. Roll eggs on table top. Peel the shells of the eggs.
3. Chopped eggs on clean chopping board.
4. Add in mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.
5. Wash roquette and place on top of the egg and bread.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Japanese Cheesecake

Ingredient A:
50g butter
250g cream cheese
100ml fresh milk
Heat up by double broiled and leave it to cool.
Ingredient B:
6 egg yolks (easy to separate when cold)
60g plain flour
20g corn flour
1/4 tsp salt
Sieve the flour and mix together.
Ingredients C:
140g sugar
6 egg whites
1/4 tsp tartar powder
Beat till soft peak.
1. Mix ingredients A & B together.
2. Fold in Ingredients C to Ingredients AB.
3. Strain the cheese mixture with wire mesh to prevent lumps.
4. Water bake for 1hr 20mins at 160degree.
recipe adapt from here