Monday, March 18, 2013

Ham and spinach quiche

Ingredients ( 2 x crust, buttery/ flaky):
225g butter
1 egg
3 cup flour
1 tsp salt
5 tbs cold water
1 tsp vinegar
30g sugar
  1. Mixed everything together and roll to 2 balls.
  2. Leave it in fridge for 15-20mins
  3. Take out and roll flat and place it in a pie tray.
  4. Preheat oven 180degree.
  5. Bake 180 degree for 30mins. 
Ingredients (fillings):
3 eggs
2 piece ham, sliced
3 tbs spinach, chopped
2 tbs cheddar cheese
1/2 onion, chopped
1.5 cup milk
1 tbs cooking oil
salt, pepper to taste
  1. Fried onions and ham with oil.
  2. Mix all ingredients and pour into the baked crust.
  3. Bake for 25mins.

***Keep the left over dough in a zip lop bag, roll it flat and placed it in freezer*** 

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