Sunday, March 27, 2016

Deep fried Silver Bait Fish


Silver fish
black pepper
garlic powder
chilli powder

Marinate above for 15-20mins

2 tbs rice flour
2 tsp tapioca flour (optional)

Mix the flour with the silver fish and sift out the excess flour.

  1. Heat up the oil 
  2. Put in the silver fish and deep fried for 3-4mins.
*Timing may varies, depends on the heat, and amount of fish.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Killer Toast

This is a very easy bread recipe that only requires one proofing.


260g bread flour
3g instant dry yeast
180g (egg + full cream milk)
30g sugar (10g if making a salty toast)
2g salt (6g for salty toast)
30g butter


  1. Mix all ingredients (except butter) together and knead till you get a silky and elastic dough.
  2. Incorporate butter and knead till window pane stage (crucial)
  3. Let it rise for 1-2hrs
  4. Preheat oven at 170dgree and bake for 25mins

Credit from here.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pig Stomach Soup (猪肚汤)

300-400g pork ribs
1 big handful ikan bilis
2 tbs barley
1-2 carrot, chopped to big pcs
8 chicken feet
1 pig stomach, washed
1 tbs white pepper seed
4 garlic clove with skin, washed
1 sweet intestine (optional)
4 bowl water

  1. Blanched the pork ribs and chicken feet (when water boiled, put all inside for 3mins and turn off fire). 
  2. Boiled water, add in pork ribs and chicken feet.
  3. After 10mins, add in the rest except sweet intestine.
  4. Boil for another 10mins, add in sweet intestine and turn off fire.
  5. Transfer the pot to thermal and leave it for 6-7 hours.
  6. Salt or light soy sauce to taste when ready.

If using fire, after boiled turn to low fire and simmer for 2 hrs.
Add in sweet intestine in the last 20-30mins.

Tip for washing pig stomach
Trim off the white fats, turn over the stomach inside out. Apply 1 tbs oil + 2 tbs corn flour on the stomach, rub all over it. Wash it off.
Then apply 1 tbs salt + juice from 4 limes or 1 lemon, rub all over the stomach. Wash it off.
Blanch it with hot water and done!