Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Multi Grain Bread

152g bread flour
1/3 tsp salt
13g sugar
12g cooking oil
70g water
2tbs hot water (for water roux)
1 tbs oats
1 tbs white sesame seeds
1 tbs black sesame seeds
1.5 tbs flax seeds

For the water roux:
Take out 1 tbs flour from the 152g.
2 tbs hot water
Mix together till sticky

  1. Mix all ingredients including water roux and knead till window pane .
  2. Knead till a ball and place it on a greased plate. Let it proof for 1 hr.
  3. Punch down shape and proof for another 1 hr in a greased pullman tray.
  4. Bake at 180 degree for 25-30mins.

I preheat oven at 50degree and turn off, proof inside oven will rise faster.

Adapt from here with some changes.

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