Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Soon Kueh

1/2 Turnip (沙葛, shredded 
1/2 carrot, shredded
1 tbs dried cuttlefish
2 tbs dried shrimps
2 garlic, chopped
2 tbs cooking oil
1 tsp sugar
1 tbs light soy sauce
Dash of pepper

Soaked both dried cuttlefish and dried shrimps in 1 cup water for 15mins.
Keep the water for later use.

  1. Heat oil, add in garlic.
  2. Add in the rest of the ingredients, stir fried for 2-3 mins.
  3. Add in the water and simmer for 15mins or when water dries up.

150g wheat starch (澄麵粉)
30g tapioca starch
0.5 tsp salt
250ml hot water
2 tsp cooking oil or shallot oil

Garlic oil
4 clove garlic
1-1.5 tbs oil (just enough to cover the garlic)
Place it into a cup and microwave for 2m-2m30s.

  1. Mix wheat flour and tapioca flour in a mixing bowl.
  2. Pour in hot water and stir quickly with a fork.
  3. Wait for 5-7mins or until dough is slightly cool down, knead the dough until smooth.
  4. Dough will be slight sticky.
  5. Grease table top, continue kneading on table top and add in the oil.
  6. Divide into 15 balls. Cover dough balls with a damp cloth.
  7. Press the balls with palm, lift up with a scrapper.
  8. Put 1 tbs fillings on the dough and fold it into half and seal by lightly pressing together.
  9. Grease the plate and steam for 10-12 mins.
  10. Bring our from heat and sprinkle with garlic oil.

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