Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Garlic Sweet bun

Sweet Bun Recipe

75g bread flour
75g cake flour
3g instant yeast
3g salt
25g egg
60g milk
30g castor sugar
25g butter

  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add in milk,egg and mix together.
  3. When dough is formed, add in butter.
  4. Knead till dough pass window pane test.
  5. Cover dough with cling wrap. Let it proof until double in size (takes approx 2hrs).
  6. Punch the dough and shape as you wish.
  7. Let it rest for another 40mins.
  8. Bake for 11min at 190 degree.
  9. Brush butter on the top of the bun immediately when removed from oven.
Yields 6 small buns.

Garlic spread

2 tbs chopped garlic
2 tbs butter
0.5 tsp salt
1 tsp herbs (any parsley/ basil/ thymes)

  1. Mix all ingredients together.

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