Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Soon Kueh

1/2 Turnip (沙葛, shredded 
1/2 carrot, shredded
1 tbs dried cuttlefish
2 tbs dried shrimps
2 garlic, chopped
2 tbs cooking oil
1 tsp sugar
1 tbs light soy sauce
Dash of pepper

Soaked both dried cuttlefish and dried shrimps in 1 cup water for 15mins.
Keep the water for later use.

  1. Heat oil, add in garlic.
  2. Add in the rest of the ingredients, stir fried for 2-3 mins.
  3. Add in the water and simmer for 15mins or when water dries up.

150g wheat starch (澄麵粉)
30g tapioca starch
0.5 tsp salt
250ml hot water
2 tsp cooking oil or shallot oil

Garlic oil
4 clove garlic
1-1.5 tbs oil (just enough to cover the garlic)
Place it into a cup and microwave for 2m-2m30s.

  1. Mix wheat flour and tapioca flour in a mixing bowl.
  2. Pour in hot water and stir quickly with a fork.
  3. Wait for 5-7mins or until dough is slightly cool down, knead the dough until smooth.
  4. Dough will be slight sticky.
  5. Grease table top, continue kneading on table top and add in the oil.
  6. Divide into 15 balls. Cover dough balls with a damp cloth.
  7. Press the balls with palm, lift up with a scrapper.
  8. Put 1 tbs fillings on the dough and fold it into half and seal by lightly pressing together.
  9. Grease the plate and steam for 10-12 mins.
  10. Bring our from heat and sprinkle with garlic oil.

Hainanese Chicken Rice

Yields: 4

Ingredients A for poached chicken:
1 medium size chicken
8-9 garlic, washed and smashed (with skin)
4 stalks spring onions, cut into halves
1.5tsp salt
half carrot, sliced
5-6 cabbage leaves (optional)
1 litre water, or water just enough to cover the chicken.
(I use pot size that just fit in the chicken)

1tbs sesame oil

Ingredients B for chicken rice:
Chicken fats
2 shallot, chopped
2 garlic, chopped
4 garlic, washed and smashed (with skin)
1 inch ginger, peeled and sliced
6 pandan leaves, washed and tied into a knot (optional)
3 stalk spring onion, cut into halves
pinch of salt
 1 tbs sesame oil
2 cup of rice
2.5 cup chicken stock (soup from the poached chicken)

Ingredients for sauce:
5tbs light soy sauce
1tbs sugar
5tbs chicken broth
*adjust to own taste*

1.       Boil water in the pot.
2.       Add in ingredients A except chicken, boil for 5mins.
3.       Add in chicken, when water boil then turn to low fire. Simmer for 5mins and turn off fire.
4.       Cover the lid and wait for 30-40mins (time can varies depend on size of chicken).
5.       Slit on chicken thigh, it is done when there is no blood flowing out (or temperature in thigh/ breast is 73 degree).
6.       Soak chicken in ice water for at least 30mins.
7.       Cut the chicken and served. Apply and rub the sesame oil onto the chicken.
8.       Spray the sauce onto the chicken or for dipping.

1.       I cut off the backside of the chicken. Cut off excess fats from the neck and back. Keep for later use.
2.       Heat up wok, add in chicken fats. Add in sesame oil.
3.       Fried till the fats shrink, add in ginger. Fried till fragrance before adding in shallots and garlic.
4.       Add in rice, fried till the rice nearly stick on wok and is ready.
5.       Lastly, add in salt and spring onion, move the rice to rice cooker.

6.       Add in chicken stock and cook.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Garlic Sweet bun

Sweet Bun Recipe

75g bread flour
75g cake flour
3g instant yeast
3g salt
25g egg
60g milk
30g castor sugar
25g butter

  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add in milk,egg and mix together.
  3. When dough is formed, add in butter.
  4. Knead till dough pass window pane test.
  5. Cover dough with cling wrap. Let it proof until double in size (takes approx 2hrs).
  6. Punch the dough and shape as you wish.
  7. Let it rest for another 40mins.
  8. Bake for 11min at 190 degree.
  9. Brush butter on the top of the bun immediately when removed from oven.
Yields 6 small buns.

Garlic spread

2 tbs chopped garlic
2 tbs butter
0.5 tsp salt
1 tsp herbs (any parsley/ basil/ thymes)

  1. Mix all ingredients together.