Thursday, May 8, 2014

Homemade Limoncello

5 Organic lemons
300g fructose (can be substitute by sugar)
350ml water
500ml grappa 40% (or volka)

  1. Peel the lemon zest (avoid the white part, or it will taste bitter).
  2. Soak lemon zest and grappa for 7 days.
  3. 7th day, simmer fructose and water on slow fire for 1 hour.
  4. Filter out the lemon zest and add in fructose syrup, mix together and pour it into empty glass bottles using funnel. 
  5. And total will be 850ml limoncello with 23% alcohol.
* If require higher content of alcohol, add lesser syrup.
* I got my fructose from iherb, or can get it from health supplement outlet.
* Place limoncello inside freezer, the liquid will not freeze as high alcohol content.
* Consume after dinner, it will helps digestion.

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