Sunday, July 19, 2009

Steamed Carrot Cake


1 big radish (500g or more)
500 rice flour
2 tbsp tapioca flour
1800ml water
5 dried mushrooms (soaked and diced)
2 chinese sausages (diced)
150g minced pork
100g dried shrimps (soaked, chopped)
100g shallots (sliced)
4tbsp cooking oil


1tsp light soya sauce
1tsp sesame oil
1tsp vetsin
1tsp pepper
1tsp sugar
0.5 tsp five spice powder (can omit, if yam cake will need to add this)


2stalk spring onion (diced)
2 fresh chillies (diced)
1 bunch coriander leaves (cut to 2cm length)
Fried shallots crisps
2 tbsp sesame seeds


  1. Mix rice flour and tapioca flour with 900ml water, set aside.
  2. Heat 4 tbsp oil in wok, frythe sliced shallots until golden brown. Remove and set aside for garnishing.
  3. In the same oil, stir fry the chopped dried shrimps and sausages until aromatic. Remove half of it for garnishing.
  4. Add mince pork and mushrooms and stir fry for awhile. Add in radish, seasoning and some water and let it simmer for awhile. Dish up and set aside.
  5. And in the remaining 900ml of water with 1tsp salt. When water is boiled, add in the rice flour mixture and turn off immediately, keep on stirring till mixture becomes thick. Pour batter into a greased 23cm steaming tray.
  6. Steam mixture over high heat for 45mins or until cooked.
  7. Whilst still hot, spread remaining fried shrimps and sausages on top. Garnish with chopped spring onions, chillies and coriander leaves. Sprinkle with light toasted sesame seeds and fried shallot crisps.
  8. When cold, cut into serving pieces and serve with chilli sauce.

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