Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Braised mushroom


7-8 medium dried mushroom (soaked for 2hrs), keep the mushroom water

Marinate (20mins):
1tbs Oyster sauce
1 tbs light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
0.5tsp dark soy sauce (for darker color)
pinch of pepper

  1. Low heat cook marinated mushroom with the mushroom water for 25mins.
  2. Adjust taste accordingly, if is tender, turn off heat.
  3. Sprinkle some sesame oil n served.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Wrapped paper chicken (baked)

3 big chicken boneless leg, cut into few big pieces
baking paper

Marinade overnight in fridge:
Blend the 4 ingredients together before adding in the condiments.
2 garlic
5 shallots
2cm knob ginger (or lesser)
2 tbs water

0.5tsp five spice powder
1 tbs light soya sauce
1tsp dark soy sauce
2 tbs oyster sauce
0.5tsp salt
0.5tsp pepper
1.5 tsp sugar
2tbs hua diao wine
0.5bts sesame oil
1tbs corn flour
1tbs oil

  1. Cut the baking paper in squares.
  2. Fold in the chicken.
  3. Bake 200degree for 25mins

Recipe from meatman with some adjustment.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Making of rice wine

2 weeks later
 1 big 1 small bottle

1kg glutinous rice
Water (just enough to cook rice)
2 jiu bing (酒饼)

Tips of preparing of jiu bing:
1. Sun the jiu bing for 1-2hr OR
2. Oven bake 120degree for 10mins.
3. Pound the jiu bing to powder.

1. Wash rice 2-3 time till clean.
2. Soak rice overnight or 8hrs.
3. Drain the water.
4. Add water to rice, steam rice or cook rice in rice cooker.
5. Use glass container or claypot.
6. Sprinkle some jiu bing powder inside the container.
7. Layer the rice into container, sprinkle jiu bing again and repeat.
8. Top layer sprinkle jiu bing powder.
9. Cover the lid with towel if using claypot.
10. Keep it for 7 days.
11. Rice wine is ready, filter out and keep into glass container.

*** The longer it ferment, the taste will be more robust, can allow to ferment to 1 month. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Braised Pork Belly (Kong Bak)

Pork belly 6 pcs (2 inch wide)
4 cloves garlic
2 shallots
1 star anise

1+1 tbs dark thick soy sauce
1 tbs light soy sauce
6 pcs rock sugar cube
1 tbs hua diao cooking wine
1 tsp five spice powder 
1 tbs oil
1 cup water

  1. Boiled water, add in pork belly and boil for 5mins.
  2. Rub five spice powder + 1 tbs dark soy sauce on pork belly and marinate for 20mins.
  3. Heat up oil, add in sugar, when melt, add in the pork belly and coat with the cameralise.
  4. Add in water and the rest of ingredients and braised for 1-1.5hrs.
  5. I add additional 1/4 cup of water every 20mins, adjust accordingly.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Boiled Sake Lala

1 stalk of spring onion, cut into 2 inch length.
2 slice of ginger
2 tbs sake
100ml water
20pcs lala (clams)
pinch of salt

  1. Boiled water, spring onion and ginger for 5mins.
  2. Add in lala, boiled till all lala open (approx 3-4mins).
  3. Add in salt, turn off fire.
  4. Pick away those that do not open.
  5. Served.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Tom Yum Fried Rice

Cooking Class @ Galangal Cooking Studio

Galangal Cooking Studio
The full day course (1000thb) consist of 6 dishes including curry paste. Half day (800thb) 4 dishes. All the dishes are very good! Very happy that I join this class.

Option to choose one of  each category.

Kai Pad Med Ma (Chicken with Cashew Nut)

1 tbs oyster sauce
1 tbs fish sauce
1tbs thai chilli paste
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp dark soy sauce
2-3 tbs water

Spring Onion
Chilli padi
Mushroom elephant

Chicken in Coconut Milk
2 mushroom
1 lemongrass
1 pcs galangal
1 lime
1 spring onion
1 corriander
1/4 onion
Half tomato
2 chilli padi
2 kariff leaves

1.5tbs fish sauce
half cup coconut milk
half cup water

If Seafood in Coconut Milk
Add lime Basil, thai basil and sawtooth corriander instead of spring onion and corriander.

Spring Roll

Bought a beer form nearby convenient store.

Deep fried bananas

3 big heap tbs plain flour
1.5 big heap tbs rice flour
1tbs brown sugar
1 tsp black sesame seed
1 tsp white sesame seed
0.5tsp salt
6-8tbs water (add into the mixture till watery)

Cut 1 banana into 3 pcs.
Add bananas into the mixture and keep in fridge for at least 30mins or overnight.
Deep fried bananas and add in pandan leaves when almost half done.

Curry paste

Cumin seed
Corriander seed
Corriander root
Red onion
Lime skin

Pound all ingredients together, halfway add:
1 tsp shrimp paste
1 tsp salt

Coconut mixture:
0.5 cup coconut milk
0.5 cup water

Fried indian curry powder + curry paste+ 2 tbs oil + 2 tbs coconut mixture.
Then add in chicken + 1 tbs fish sauce + 0.5 tsp palm sugar.
Let it boiled till reduce.

For Panang curry just add cumin powder instead.

With 1 chef from Belgium and another cooking coach from France together with the founder of Galangal Cooking Studio, Aoy.
Making of curry paste

Their green curry paste add lemon basil and thai basil, corriander seed which is not stated in their given recipe.

Curry for Khao Soi

palm sugar

Their green curry has a distinctive taste, likely is the lemon basil.
Pumpkin with Coconut milk
Coconut mixture:
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup water

Boiled coconut mixture.
add in 0.5 tsp sugar + 0.5 tsp palm sugar + 1 tsp salt

Roasted mung beans for the topping for pumpkin dessert.