Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hakka Abacus Seeds

Spicy version with sambal chilli

(serve 4)

400g yam (peeled and washed)
80g tapioca starch
20g spring onions, sliced
50g flat parsley, coarsely chopped
2 tbs dried cuttlefish (shredded)
50g dried shrimps
4 shitake mushroom
150g minced meat/ pork belly
6 peeled shrimp (optional)
5 water chestnut sliced(optional)
2tbs dried silver fish (fried till golden brown)- optional for toppings
3 cloves garlic
5 shallots
Vegetable oil

Marinade for Pork
1 tbs sesame oil
2 tsp oyster sauce
Dash of pepper

1 tbs fish sauce
Dash of pepper

Soak dried cuttlefish until softened and keep the water for later use.
Marinate pork in leave in fridge

Preparing the dough:

1. Peel and slice the yam into rounds, then quarter each piece.

2. Steam the yam for 30-35mins until it gives easily when poked with a chopstick.

3. Mash the yam.

4. Transfer the mashed yam into a large mixing bowl. Allow the yam to cool slightly then gradually add the tapioca starch to the mashed yam and knead.

5. Continue kneading unitl the yam is completely amalgamated with the starch.

6. The dough is ready when it no longer feels sticky to the touch.

7. Dust your working surface with tapioca starch. Taking a piong pong ball sized piece of dough, shape it into a roll about 2cm thick, Cut with a knife into 2cm thick slice.

8. Roll each slice into a ball, gently press on the centre of the ball.

Boiling:1. Fill the wok with water and bring to a boil.

2. Place the dough pieces in the boiling water and stir to ensure they don’t stick to the bottom of the wok.

3. Meanwhile, fill a basin with water and some ice.

4. The dough pieces are cooked once they float to the surface.

5. Use a metal sieve to scoop them up and transfer to the basin of water.

Stir Frying:

1. Heat 5-6 tbs vegetable oil. Fry the garlic and shallots.

2. Add the cuttlefish and fry for 2 mins.

3. Add the dried shrimp and fry for another 1 min.

4. Add the mushroom and fry for another 1 min.

5. Add the pork and fry for 2 mins until is nearly opaque.

6. Add the yam abacus seeds, prawns, water chestnut and stir fry for 1-2 mins.

7. Add the seasoning, cuttefish water and mix well.

8. Add the sliced parsley and spring onions.

9. Served hot and top with silver fish.

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