Monday, March 9, 2020

Hairy gourd mee suan (毛瓜面线)

This soup is very sweet naturally come from hairy gourd.
9-10 slices of hairy gourd (about 1/4 of the gourd)
2 tbs minced meat, marinate with light soy sauce n pepper for 15mins
Chicken broth 
Coriander, chopped
2 tsp oil

2 garlic sliced
1 tsp dried shrimps

Put garlic into small cup, pour oil just enough to cover it.
Microwave high for 1min30s
Add in dried shrimps n microwave together with garlic for 1min.

  1. Add oil to wok.
  2. Add in luffa gourd, fry till lightly brown.
  3. Pour in chicken broth, boil for 10mins in low heat
  4. Add in minced meat, roll to balls.
  5. Add in mee suan, boil for 2-3mins and dish up.
  6. Top with coriander and fried garlic/ dried shrimps.