Saturday, May 23, 2009

Japanese cotton cheesecake


160g cream cheese
25g butter
120g milk

40g flour
30g cornflour

4nos egg yolk

4nos egg whites
1/8tsp cream of tartar
100g sugar
pinch of salt

  1. Line te bottom of a 8" round pan and grease the sides with butter
  2. Place cream cheese, butter and milk in a mixing bowl and stir over double- boiler until fully melt and thick.
  3. Add flour and corn flour into the mixture above and then the egg yolks and stir till well blend.
  4. Whisk the egg whites together with the cream of tartar, sugar and salt until soft peak is attained.
  5. Fold the soft peak egg whites into the cream cheese mixture till well incorporated.
  6. Pour the batter into the cake pan and bake it in a water bath at a pre-heated oven at 170 degree C for about 50-60mins or till the cake tests firm or golden brown.
  7. Remove the cake from the oven and it from the cake pan immediately. Set aside to cool. refrigerate when keeping the cake overnight.